Saturday, June 2, 2012


We are now only 5 hours behind Ireland so there is a larger window for contact.

We braved the wind and rain yesterday pm and headed off to find the shores of Lake Ontario. It is not possible to drive around the lake side but there are several lookouts so we had a good enough view. At one small park it was like looking out at the Atlantic on a stormy winter's day. The waves were huge and crashing up over the rocks. The Canada Geese, most of them hunched into their feathers, were looking on forlornly.

Nice little landscaped area right beside the crashing waves.
If they bit you you would be in a fowl humour!

We plan to be a bit more adventurous today as the weather is improved.

An interesting piece of culinary information - people buy their milk in litre-sized plasic bags which you then slot into a custom-made jug. To open cut off a small corner and proceed to pour. It's not as easy as it sounds. Jim has spent a considerable time since we came mopping up! I prefer our Daisi milk jugs at home!

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