Monday, October 19, 2015

Tucson Botanical Gardens

The coyotes were very noisy this morning and Jim caught sight of one wandering out back. I had my glasses off and by the time I got them on it was too late!

Today was gardens day and we were fortunate that all three were reasonably close together so we did not have too much driving.

First stop was Tucson Botanical Gardens. We went to the Bistro for a coffee and cookie (which took a good 10 minutes to appear. However, I was happy - it was coffee, not in a "bucket" (Americans use very large mugs!) and not in a paper mug (again bucket size!) but in much daintier big cups.

I'm afraid I don't make a great butterfly!

The butterfly cookie - not a great butterfly specimen either!

I'm fascinated with javelinas but I fear I am not going to see one other than the sleeping ones we saw in the desert museum

The park is full of sitting benches like this that were donated by people. This one is in memory of some woman. I think it is very nice.

These are in the Prehistoric Garden


                                                   This was a sign in the herb garden.


There is a butterfly house with butterflies and tiny frogs.

Nice isn't he - even if he is a frog!

                                                             This is in the Zen Garden

                                                                   Ho ho, a Boojum!

Thornville Gatden Railway. It never explained why there was a miniature train set in the garden.

                                                              Organ Pipe Saguaro

From September to January the garden has an exhibition entitled Nature connects Art with Lego Bricks. What an amount went into building them!

This is Grandfather Gardening with Child.


Galapagos Tortoise and Finch

Because of the time of year and because we're in America there is a great emphasis on decorating for Hallow'een. But because it is the Southwest and because of the influence from America The main decorations are to do with Day of the Dead. It's fascinating!

High Five Grandma!

I really like this one!

Fish up trees?

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