Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Tuesday May 17th

One of the places recommended to visit was Sete, on the coast just west of the Camargue, so we set off for Sete. In an effort to go the scenic route - i.e. to avoid the boring and expensive auto route - we ended up driving for ages in and out of Montpellier. Finally we arrived at our destination and parked under the canal. A visit to the Office de Tourism yielded little other than a town plan and a map of the area where we were to read for ourselves where to go.

This monument of an octopus would suggest that the octopus is an emblem of the town. Indeed it featured on all the menus that we saw.

A rather disgruntled looking aged madame walking along the canal. I think I was just a little concerned that a gust of wind would send me floundering into the canal never to be seen again!

Les Halles - the covered market, has a great reputation for fresh fish and seafood. However, it was past 12 midday and a lot of the stalls were closed. There were lots of people eating oysters at little tables but, while we eat and like oysters, they are not favourites of ours.

We had our lunch in one of the canal-side restaurants and watched the proceedings on the water.
This group in the rowing boat went past rowing rhythmically with the coxswain shouting “Fort, fort” to encourage them to go faster.

They then stopped and retrieved the tyre from the water and returned right beside us and tossed it into a boat moored there. Then they returned to their rowing. A seagull was on constant watch for titbits but was not so bold as to approach our table and snatch our food.

We followed lunch with a walk as far as the sea passing various types of boats and some trawlers as Sete has a working fishing trade.

Back in the car we went as far as the mariners’ cemetery and the lighthouse beside it and had a great view over the town.

Higher up again we parked  at the Chapelle Notre-Dame de la Salette and viewed the town from above .

Then we had a look in the Church which was a bit like a cave - 198 - 206 inclusive.

We took the autoroute home to avoid the meanderings of our earlier journey. We had expected a more seaside type place and, while Sete was nice, we are not set on returning!

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