Monday, December 6, 2010

Fiordland - Milford Sound

Views in Milford Sound.

Basking seals in Milford Sound.

Our cruiser - the Milford Mariner.

Wild lupins - considered a noxious weed!

Views on the way to Milford Sound.

Having checked the weather forecast, we decided that Monday was as good as we were going to get for Milford Sound - the weather is so changeable there anyway that any day was taking a chance. The rain at 6.30 a.m. as we walked down the hills to the meeting point made us think that we had made a dreadful mistake but all was well. We got rainy, cloudy, sunny and very windy but it was great. The bus journey was long - 5 hours there and 4 hours back - but it had some spectacular scenery as well as quite boring stretches. The above is just a taste of all the photos taken.